2022 Sarasota-Manatee County Real Estate Numbers are in for an entire year of data to learn from
These are properties ONLY Listed in MLS
Over 21000 closing
Median Price all higher than 2021
Average time on the Market 8-9 Days. YES you read right 8-9 Days!!!!!!!!!
In the entire State of Florida, the average days on market is 15 days.
If you are looking to sell and you are on the market for more than 10 days right now you are OVERPRICED
Adjust to what the market tells us. We realtors want to get you the best price for your property trust me. But even in a hot market if you are overpriced you are not selling, all you are doing is listing your home
The longer it sits the more we hear buyers ask this famous question ” Why is this property on market so long or is there something wrong with this property? ”
Sellers, do you want your home on the market and under contract in 10 days or 5-6 months? Listen to the market, it talks to us daily. , Stay ahead of this market we are in
Been doing this for over 20 plus years and closed hundreds of closings,
#sellingyourhome #housing
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